Public Funded Development Projects
Development of a new Biopsy Instrument
The development shall result in a new biopsy instrument for endoscopic ultrasound guided biopsies in the bronchus and in the upper GI tract for lung cancer staging. The instrument shall deliver histological biopsies and shall improve the diagnostic yield. Moreover the visibility of the instrument shall be enhanced in comparison tot he current available needles for EBUS TBNA. The development is supported by the state of Thuringia and is co-financed by the European Union for Regional Development (EFRE).

The OPTIMO project aims at the design, implementation and characterization of a portable device based on an all-optical technology capable to perform simultaneously esophageal manometry, pH-metry and bilimetry.
It would be definitely an innovative product in the gastroesophageal diagnostic scenario with high potential for worldwide market penetration and application developments.
Within this project OSCOMED is partner for the realization of the catheter and the test for the manometry measuring system on the basis of optical fibres. The project is co-financed in Germany by the BMBF. Further information is available under

This development is based on a patented system that should facilitate the treatment of patients after surgery or stone treatment in the kidneys. The urethral stent (double J) is normally placed endoscopically and remains in the patient for several weeks or months. The aim of the development is to facilitate the endoscopic extraction of the stent by means of a catheter. Moreover the antimicrobial urethral stent shall improve the patient comfort (less pain) and prolongate the safe use of the product in the patient with better drainage of the kidney.
The project is funded by the BMBF within the clinic platform.

Oscomed co-operates in this project with the University Hospital Aachen-Bonn. The project is part of the program „Gesundheitsforschung Deutschland, Aktionsfeld Gesundheitswirtschaft, „Industrie-in-Klinik-Plattform (MEC-ABC)“
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